Thursday 25 August 2011

Twinnie & Drew invade Melbourne!

As most of you may know already, Kristi (aka Twinnie) and Drew (aka Drewseph or A2) were just here visiting Australia! They are actually still here, enjoying some time up in beautiful and sunny Queensland and I believe head out tomorrow just in time to make it back for what I hear is going to be a whopper of a hurricane hitting the east coast! Andrew and I were able to spend 9 whole days with them which I think is the longest amount of time Twinnie and I have spent together since college in one go. It was SO FUN to have them here!

So on the first day we just hung out here at our humble little abode because Krissy and Drew were a bit worn out from all the travel. I must say, they did a great job with jet lag and getting turned around and were troopers the whole time we were together trying to fight off the time difference. I got this one cute photo of Twinnie napping on the couch with an incredibly relaxed Alfred enjoying some snuggle time with his aunt! (I didn't have my flash handy and it was late and dark so ignore the poor quality of the image because I had to crank the ISO way up so it's a bit grainy!)

For their first full day in Melbourne we decided to do City things so Twinnie and Drew could have a sleep in and we could be close to home if they got tired early. We had a lovely little lunch with Ms Jane in North Melbourne and then headed into the city on the tram. We explored the many laneways that Melbourne is famous for which both Twinnie and Drew loved. We sampled some mint chocolate from Coco Black, checked out the Babushka store, wandered around Bourke street Mall and then made our way down to Degraves St.

One of my favorite places in Melbourne for a treat is The Little Cupcake store. It has the cutest little mini cupcakes that are just lick your fingers delicious so I made sure to take Krissy and Drew there to experience their yummo factor. We took our sweet treats across the way to Fed Square, stopping in front of Flinders Street Train station for a photo op and sat down to enjoy our cupcakes and watch Melbourne unfold.

I nabbed a quick shot of Krissy as the sun was getting a bit lower in the sky and wanted to share it because I thought she just looked so happy and beautiful!

After cupcakes we made our way across the river to scout for dinner locations and took a quick peek in at PSC so they could see where I've spent the majority of my time for the last 4 years. There's a cute photo of them on the bridge I walk across every day on my way to PSC with a bit of the city behind them.

Later that night we met up with friends from school, Jess and Ariel and had drinks down on Pony Fish Island (a bar/cafe that is built on the pillar that holds up the bridge... pretty cool place!) and had a delicious dinner at World where Krissy and Drew enjoyed Wedges with sweet chilli sauce and sour cream (a combo they were both fans of) and saw the flames go off along Southbank. It was a very fun first day!

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