Friday 26 August 2011

Swimming with the Fishes and Turtles and Stingrays!

Our 2nd day in Port Douglas at the beautiful Reef Club Resort was spent completely relaxing by the pool and on the beach. We really didn't do much at all except hang around which was just what we all needed! I didn't use the camera too much on the beach because it was kind of windy and sand was getting everywhere but I loved this photo of Twinnie and Drew and put one in to show you how beautiful the beach was.

After lazing around all day we went to the main street that has tons of shops and restaurants and enjoyed a lovely Mexican dinner. We all got margaritas and daiquiris and I drank mine pretty quickly because on the way to the Mexican place I happened to walk into a telephone booth in the middle of the sidewalk while I was "window shopping." It hurt. So I drank. Embarrassing! Wait... this dinner may have been after the Crock park on the first day... I can't remember... I must have hit my head harder than I thought. Silly me.

Anyway, the following day we went out on a catamaran to the Low Isles of the Great Barrier Reef. Beeeutiful! I took sea-sickness medicine that actually worked so I got to enjoy myself on the hour boat ride out to the reef. It really was stunning and the sun was out most of the way there which was awfully nice.

Once we got out to the Low Isles where we were going to be scuba diving, we buoyed up and got in a little glass bottom boat and were taken out to the Island to get our gear on and dive in. The island was beautiful and after a bit of snorkelling (we saw beautiful coral, lots o' fishes, big turtles and stingrays) we relaxed on the beach until lunch. Twinnie and I took the boat back but A1 and A2 snorkelled their way back in. I tried to get their attention for a photo in snorkel gear but they couldn't hear me (too much water in their ears perhaps?) so they aren't looking in the photo.

We ate lunch on the deck of the boat and then set sail to head back into Port Douglas. A storm was coming in that evening so it was pretty windy with some decent size swells. The sun was still out though so although cold, we had a beautiful sail back in. I had to include a photo of Andrew with his Boston hat on because all week, Twinnie and Drew were sporting Phillies gear and I thought Boston had to be represented as well, you know, because it's better and all. I also loved the photo of Krissy and Drew who were half napping on deck in the sun while holding hands. So cute. Heart.

If anyone is looking at going to Queensland and needs a place to stay... Port Douglas is pretty great! Highly recommended. Kate seal of approval. Enough said.

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