Friday 26 August 2011

Road Trip! Great Ocean Road and Otway Treetop Walk

Day 2 of Twinnie and Drew's adventures in Victoria started bright and early with a 7.30am departure for our road trip down to the Great Ocean Road. The Great Ocean Road travels along the coast in these stomach turning windy roads (as in... I was driving and my stomach was flipping on me) which host beautiful views of the Otway National Forest and the Southern Ocean. Twinnie, with her new PhD in Oceanography (YAY TWINNIE!!!), was quite eager to see the Southern Ocean.

Our first stop was in Apollo Bay for a delicious but quick lunch before we hopped back in the car to continue on for another hour to get to the 12 Apostles. About a kilometer before the actual Apostle viewing platform is a little hidden lookout called Gibson's steps. I think most people pass this hidden gem by because they're so close to the actual viewing platform, but if you're traveling along the Great Ocean Road this little stop is a must. You have to climb down a lot of steps but you basically have Gibson's steps beach all to yourself and you are level with one of the Apostles and can see just how huge they are.

Krissy didn't take off her shoes to dip her feet in the Souther Ocean but she and Drew got a bit close and almost got caught with a surprise wave that came up faster and higher on the sand than expected! I thought the photo of them trying to escape was pretty cute.

The Apostles are pretty tall and I grabbed a photo of Krissy and Drew on the beach in front of the one you can see from Gibson's Steps Beach. 4 years ago when Meg was visiting we stopped at Gibson's Steps and have photos of Andrew and I and Meg all in front of this same Apostle. I thought it was pretty cool that 4 years later we were able to show Krissy and Drew the same thing.

I dug up a few of the photos from when Moo came to visit because I thought it would be fun to see sisters in the same place, 1/2 way across the world, 4 years apart. :) The one Moo took of Andrew and I is on our wall and is one of my favorite pictures of Andrew and I. Being the one who is usually behind the camera it's not often there's a nice one of Andrew and I and I just love the fun from the photo Moo captured. Thanks Moo! 4 years later I still LOVE that photo!

After we climbed back up Gibson's steps (ouch! What a butt and thigh workout!) we made our way to the official 12 Apostles viewing platform. I think this is my 3rd time at the 12 Apostles and I'm always amazed at how beautiful they are and how magnificent the view is.

We couldn't resist grabbing this last photo for Madre. Don't worry Mom, we didn't actually hang off the cliff's this time! We just thought you'd enjoy the photo.

After trekking back to the car we meandered through the Otway National Forrest to the Otway Treetop Walk. There are bridges that are suspended way up in the tall trees which are actually a bit un-nerving because you can't really tell if you're swaying on the bridge or if the trees are swaying! It's a pretty cool sight thought. Meg did this walk with us when she was here too so again, it was pretty cool to show it to Kirssy and Drew as well. The one of Moo and I from her visit is taken from the top of the viewing platform where the close up of Twinnie and Drew was taken.

Twinnie and Drew climbed down the platform first and I got a fun shot of them looking down at them on one of the platforms from the top of the viewing platform. We then went out onto a bridge that's only supported on one end (Drewseph would know the correct name for this but I forget) and it was kind of freaky because it was awfully wobbly and if you look down through the platform you can see straight down to the forrest floor way down below! Eeep!

I thought the trees were pretty gorgeous and loved the different colours and textures.

After our quick jaunt through the forrest we piled back in the car and started the long drive home. At least it was a nice drive with a beautiful sunset and even a rainbow that appeared right along the freeway. It looked as if we drove long enough we would actually drive into it. I didn't get a photo of it because I was the one driving (although I seriously though about having Twinnie handle the wheel while I snapped a few shots... but don't worry Mom, I didn't actually do it!) I believe Twinnie got a couple on her camera though so perhaps she will share them when they get home. We ended up making it home just in time to scoop Andrew from the house and head off to meet a bunch of friends at one of our favorite restaurants, Binh Minh in North Melbourne. We met up with Aaron and Rochelle, Carrie and Rob and Eddie for a delicious asian meal complete with lots of Yummy Wings! (Yes, that is what they are called and yes they are definitely Yummy!) It was a good day. :)

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