Friday 5 August 2011

Fun Key and Low Key Image Time!

I've been playing around a bit in photoshop and was working on one of my favourite images of cute little Jay Billy Hedrick from our NOLA trip (unedited version in the Baby Jay post). I just thought it looked super cute with a fun pop of faded colour that just brightened up the whole image. Ali and Casey, I hope you don't mind me practicing on Baby Jay!

Now I need to find myself some more little subjects to photograph because I'm itching to try out some sun flare type photography. Although they are not "little", perhaps I can talk Twinnie and A2 into being my subjects when they arrive in JUST OVER A WEEK! Yeeeeaaaa!

I also wanted to share an image of my classmate Steph who was a fantastic and patient model during class the other day. One of our tasks during class was to shoot a Low Key image (not a lot of light on the subject, lots of shadows etc) and after a lot of adjusting of location and height of studio lights I was really happy with one of the last images I shot. 

I just love the direction and quality of light and a big thank you to Steph for all your help and fantastic modelling skills! I hope you like the image as much as I do!


  1. Jay is so freakin' cute!!!!!
    Also a great pic of Steph. Wow!
    (Love, Ma)

  2. Love the color in the photo of Jay Billy!

    (Auntie Barbi)
