Wednesday 6 July 2011

Yes, the Grand Canyon is very Grand!

So our first full day in Vegas we decided to go see the Grand Canyon. We left the hotel at 9am with our little 7 person tour group and took our time (lots of time) getting to the Canyon. We drove through Nevada and into Arizona and saw lots of open space, blue skies and mountains. Beautiful drive.

 We stopped to see long horned sheep and saw one of the male sheep pursuing a female sheep and she is trying desperately to get away. Don't look too close... it's a bit sheep-o-graphic.

We also made a quick stop at the Hoover Dam which was pretty cool to see. We only got out of the car for a quick minute at the top so some of the photos are taken through the van window (as is the one above... no way would I be standing in the middle of the highway with an 18 wheeler staring me down!)

We made numerous rest stops at fun, middle of nowhere country gas stations and convenient stores. So quaint.

Finally at about 4pm... yes that's 7 hours later... we arrived at the Canyon. Needless to say, the 7 hour drive was worth it. The Grand Canyon is absolutely amazing and literally takes your breath away. We had a late lunch picnic overlooking the Canyon when we first arrived and a friendly little squirrel joined us for some grapes. Our friendly tour guide Alfonzo had fun using my camera to take some photos of us. Some with my direction and some just on his own accord. Thank you Alfonzo! It's nice to actually be  in a few of the photos for a change!

Don't worry Mom, we weren't actually jumping over the Grand Canyon. There was a rock under us surrounded by a walking platform and fence and I thought, "Hey, if we jump up off this rock it will look like we're jumping the Canyon and will freak Mom out. Cool!" I think it had the desired affect. I heart you Mom!

We stayed at the Canyon til Sunset and watched the rocks turn a beautiful shade of red. It's funny, when we got to the Canyon there weren't nearly as many people there as at Sunset. Everyone had their prime spot picked out for optimum photo taking. I turned around to look at the crowd and grabbed a quick, funny shot of everyone with their cameras out.

I have just 2 words: "Bucket. List." Tick!

1 comment:

  1. I have four words: TO DO: Grand Canyon!
    xoxoxo Ma
