Wednesday 6 July 2011

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas... Except for what you see in this Post

I didn't end up taking many photos in Vegas because to be honest, the city kind of overwhelmed me and it was like 110 degrees and I was too hot to function properly. Andrew literally held my hand and propelled me forward by lightly pulling me down the Strip. As most of you know, I don't really do so well in extreme heat.

Andrew had been to Vegas before (his first trip to the US when he came to visit me... awww memories) but this was my first time. We stayed in the lovely Tropicana hotel and enjoyed a lovely room and view.

Vegas is crazy busy everywhere you look and feels like a life sized amusement park. There are people everywhere, casinos everywhere and we even had a quick sighting of New York and Venice! Wow! We also saw the Mac King Comedy show one afternoon which was terribly funny and took in Peep Show starring Holly Madison one night which was surprisingly pretty good! I voted for Thunder Down Under (ha ha ha) but sadly, it wasn't playing that night.

The one thing Andrew talked about doing while we were vacating, even before we left for the trip, was to go "shoot some guns" somewhere. He found a place in Vegas (kind of in the middle of nowhere... I'd be scared to be there at night, this creeps me out big time location) where for $50 a gun you could shoot to your hearts content! We fired a glock 9 handgun, an MP5 machine gun, an M16 Automatic Rifle and Andrew shot a Grease Gun. I took a turn with all but the Grease gun but to be honest, not really my thing and was a very quick tick off the Bucket list. Andrew however, had a blast. Should I be worried???

Sadly, our little Southern Tour ended after the gun store and we made the long 36 hour journey back to Melbourne. School is about to start back up for both of us and I am eagerly awaiting the trip of Twinnie and Drewseph who will invade Australia mid August! Look out OZ!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! You are both pretty good shots! Yikes! :) xoxo Ma
