Sunday 10 July 2011

New Friends at Reg Geary House

Last semester, as part of our 2nd year course work, we had a class that involved working for a client in the community. I spoke with the volunteer coordinator of Western Health who said that they were hoping for some photographs of Reg Geary House in Melton which is an old age nursing home community. There were other projects that needed photos but straight away I knew I wanted to use Reg Geary as my community client.

The first time I went to Reg Geary I didn't take my camera. I went and met the staff and had a bit of a tour around the small facility and had a chance to meet and talk with some of the residents. A lot of the residents at Reg Geary suffer from Alzheimer's or Dementia so it was a bit tricky trying to explain to them what I was doing and why I was there. I of course, immediately fell in love with all of the residents and couldn't wait to come back the following week with my camera. The client was after portraits of the residents and some activity shots of the residents involved in the happenings around Reg Geary House.

The first day I was there I witnessed the arrival of a new Pianola so I made sure to get a photo of one of the staff members entertaining a few of the residents. I also caught Doris, one of my favorite residents, out on a walk outside with one of the staff members. I'm pretty sure Doris had some bread crumbs in her pocket to sneak to the chickens who act as Reg Geary pets! (I'd do the same thing myself Doris!)


While wandering the halls one day, I happened across 4 of the ladies watching TV in one of the lounge rooms and had to stifle a giggle at the cute picture they made all sitting in a row. So cute. I ducked in front of them (and the TV apparently) to grab a quick photo before quickly being scolded by one of the ladies that I was blocking her view!

To escape the wrath of the ladies, I made my way out to the deck area and found the gentlemen of Reg Geary House enjoying some fresh air.

One of the activities that the residents really seemed to enjoy was a little reading group held around one of the tables of Reg's Cafe. Staff members take turns "reading" (cough cough... the only "reading" I saw going on was of trashy gossip magazines!) to the residents and discussing "current events." The ladies in particular had lots to say and I'm pretty sure the gentlemen of the group enjoyed looking at the pictures (mostly of the ladies involved in the gossip being written about in the said trashy magazines.) How funny!

Here are a few of my favorite portraits of some of the residents. There's a couple of Doris because she just loved being my model and I adored how in every photo she refused to smile and always had this look of pride in her eyes.

 I loved my time at Reg Geary house and made a heap of new friends and heard a LOT of amazing stories about my new friend's lives. I always find it so rewarding to hear stories and memories that withstand the test of time and in this case, the stories that have lasted through Alzheimer's and Dementia, as I know the weight of significance they must carry for each person. Such a rewarding experience.


  1. So interesting to see Reg Geary and compare that to where Grammy is living. Wonderful portraits Kate. I hope the residents and/or their families get copies. Beautiful! Love, Ma

  2. I was also fascinated by this, and by your choice of subject matter. When Ali was taking photography in high school, she chose to do a series of portraits in the nursing home where she had previously volunteered. She also photographed these older people with a kind eye. Do you suppose there's a genetic component to this?

    Auntie Barbi

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