Wednesday 6 July 2011

The Faces of Baby Jay

Hands down, the star of our week in NOLA with my Mom's side of the family was baby Jay William Hedrick. My cousin Ali and her Husband Casey are the proud parents of little baby Jay who is the happiest and most easy going baby I've ever met! Ali and Casey enjoyed having 19 surrogate parents around to share in the playing/holding/burping and feeding of this little 6 month old cutie. I must say, they were extremely gracious with their time letting us all ooh and ahh over the little guy as I'm pretty sure they barely saw him over the time we were in NOLA together!

Like his many nicknames, Jay Billy being my favorite with Jay Dawg a close second, baby Jay had numerous cute faces for us over the week, none of which were sad! Here's a few of my favorite snaps of the cutest baby in the world! I think my personal favorite is the one of him peeking out from under my hat. In the last image he looks SO much like Ali!

Thanks Ali and Casey for having such a fun little guy for us to all play with! He almost didn't make it into the car with Aunt Barbi and Uncle Art because I really wanted to bring him back to Australia with me!


  1. Great pics Kate! You really captured his essence--happy,happy. Enjoying the blog a lot. More posts, please.

  2. You can see that I have finally figured out how to post directly on your blog. Really love these photos of baby Jay. I think the first one is my favorite, although the one with your hat is a close second.

    Auntie Barbi
