Monday 4 July 2011

Worldwide Connections

A wonderful friend of mine just started a new blog called Feminine Twist, using the blog as an avenue to keep in touch with her friends and family spread all over the US and around the world. (I am laying claim to friend who lives farthest away!) She's inspired me, along with my family back home who always want to see and hear what I've been up to, to start this blog as a way to keep everyone updated on what's going on Down Under!

As most of you know I'm back in school for photography and am also working as an associate photographer for Jane Poynter of Ms Jane Photography. I thought this might be a great way to post udpates on school, work and life here in Melbourne and show you samples of work I'm involved with.

I hope this will be a way to keep in touch and for you all to make comments and share things with me that are going on in your life as well. Over the next week or so I'll do a back track of logs from the end of the semester and a few weddings I recently did but I think the first few photo posts will have to be of Andrew and my recent trip to the US where we spent time in Fort Worth Texas with the long horned cattle, New Orleans where we got to spend a wonderful week with my family and got to attend my cousin Ashley's fabulous NOLA style wedding and ended the trip in Las Vegas where Andrew and I got to see the Grand Canyon (well technically it's in Arizona) and had a fantastic time walking the strip in 108 degree weather.

I'll be back soon with some fun photos from the trip!

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