Monday 6 May 2013

The Arrival of Laura and Timmy and Dino Golf of Course!

Andrew and I arrived in Phuket a night before Laura and Timmy. We settled in and quickly explored the resort (Kata Lucky Villa) and took a stroll down to the beach to see what was around. There are massage places (numerous) on every street and lane way, which of course was amazing. With the exchange rate we were able to get hour long massages for about $15! We thought it would be stupid not to take advantage of this rate and got some form of facial, oil massage, foot massage or Thai massage nearly every day! Amazing. I was also shocked by the telephone wires that seem to be numerous and everywhere! Look at the wires in some of the street photos... it's incredible how many there are. We also happened upon numerous interesting food places and lots of street food. We stayed away from most of the street food to try and save our bellies but it all smelled delicious. One of our favourites were street crepes or pancakes which basically involved a think crepe with butter and banana and chocolate or nutella. Yummo! I didn't really want one at first but then had a bite of Andrew's and to his extreme displeasure, ended up eating 1/2 of it. :) (That's one of the rules of being married right? You have to share your delicious food with your lovely wife even if she says she doesn't want any? I am pretty sure it is.)

Our resort was pretty cool too. Our room was located by a meandering pool that kind of snaked it's way around part of the resort. Literally just outside the back door to our room were chairs and the pool so you could step outside and jump in! It was very nice!

Then the best part of the trip happened... LAURA AND TIMMY ARRIVED!!! I was so excited for them to get there, couldn't wait! We hadn't seen them since they left to drive across country to be in Karratha for the year and since that time my lovely sister got engaged! It's been hard not being able to celebrate with her and Tim but we made up for it when they arrived! We had a nice dinner that night at our favourite little Kata Beach spot, The Kitchen and celebrated all being back together. The next day we relaxed a bit and explored Kata Beach and the area. We ended up walking down the beach at sunset and finding the one mini golf place we had heard of called Dino Park mini golf. They also happened to serve a delicious dinner and very yummy ice cream! We had a great time. Andrew won, but I came in 2nd. It was extremely hot (literally wiping sweat off your face at all of the 18 holes... so the ice cream was definitely needed to help aid in the recovery process... it actually helped a lot for the entire 2 weeks!)

 By this point we were all a bit dehydrated and tired from the exhausting efforts of mini golf and things got a bit silly while we waited for our food!

After a fun night out we had our first experience in a Tuk Tuk! I almost got left behind (literally as I was snapping this photo the driver started to drive off) but after a bit of shouting I jumped in and we cruised through the streets back to the hotel and rested up for further adventures!

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