Tuesday 7 May 2013

Chocolate Bananas and Potato on a Stick!

After a lovely and very relaxing first week in Kata Beach Phuket, we decided to switch things up and try a different resort on Karon Beach. It was gorgeous! Karon Phunaka Resort and Spa was set up at the top of a hill and had more stairs than I can even tell you! Luckily there was a cable lift that took us from the lobby up to our room. Our leg muscles were not happy with us even after the first day of hiking around the resort! It was worth the hike though... look at the views of Karon Beach from our room!

After settling in at our new hotel, we made our way down to the beach to explore Karon Beach a bit. The beach was beautiful and pretty quiet and the streets were packed with shops.

Amongst our explorations, we happened across a street market where we stopped to look around and get some water and fruit shakes.

After the street market we went to one of the largest jewellery stores in Phuket to look around. I couldn't use my camera in there but it was pretty fun and funny. What girl doesn't enjoy browsing cases full of jewellery? As soon as you walk in the door a salesperson is assigned to you and pretty much doesn't leave your side the entire time. It kind of became a game at one point trying to duck and weave through the aisles and cases and just when you think you have shaken your shadow they pop up and appear right in front of you again! All 4 of us had our own shadow the entire time we were there!

Our next stop was the Phuket Town Night Market. So much fun and crazy to see just how big it was and how many stalls there were. The locals call it the 100 Baht market because most items there are sold around 100 Baht, or can be bargained down to close to that. (100 Baht is roughly $3.30)

Laura and Timmy were in their element! They both got a bunch of stuff... shoes, clothes, gifts, jewellery etc.

I even spotted a celtics jersey... OK the colours aren't quite right but it was just so proudly on display in the front of the store and I was thinking BOSTON STRONG so I just loved it.

Anyone need a clicker?

As I mentioned in a previous post, Andrew and I are basically giants in Thailand so options for us were not so plentiful. Andrew got a couple of belts and we got a couple of Reggae CD's but otherwise we just wandered around. Part of the market was covered in tarps and ropes... Unfortunately for us we were too tall for these sections and had to walk all hunched over to fit under the tarps. Every once in a while there would be a break in the tarp where we could pop up for fresh air and stretch upright again!

The food was amazing there. We were a bit weary of anything with meat but enjoyed potato on a stick, donuts and chocolate covered apple and banana with sprinkles! Most amazing thing ever. So yummy! My first banana fell off my stick and onto the ground... so of course, my lovely husband saw my sad face at this occurrence and got me another one. Good thing I'm a cheap date and it only cost 20 baht (about 60c). Oh the simple pleasures of life!

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