Tuesday 7 May 2013

Take Me to the Beach - Phi Phi Take 3!

We finally made it out to Phi Phi Island on our 3rd attempt. Unfortunately we were one short as Timmy stayed behind from not feeling well. We missed you Timmy! Attempt 3 found Laura, Andrew and I hopping on board our little speedboat and jetting to a few different Islands throughout the day. I don't remember the names of them all but they were very cool to see. On our way to the first Island we passed a few cruise ships which seemed ginormous compared to our tiny little boat. 

We had a bit of time to hang out and swim at the first island and relax on the beach. The tide came in pretty quickly while we were there though so we ended up almost getting soaked laying on our towels (Andrew ended up covered in sand when I jumped up and grabbed my towel out of the way of a sneaky little wave, covering him in sand in the process.. sorry Andrew!) It was bright and colourful with all the umbrellas and there were even some fun rocks to climb on. 

We stopped later to go snorkelling and saw tons of cool fish. I was going to take some photos from on board but where we were stopped had some big rolling waves so I stayed in the water until the last possible minute to keep from sitting on the boat and getting sick.

Our next stop was Phi Phi Island where they filmed "The Beach!" I love that movie (and Leonardo DiCaprio of course) so was quite excited to see where the filming had taken place. It was pretty cool to be there and walk around, but it was so busy with tours and boats and tourists that it didn't quite have the same feel as a secluded secret Island society. We had fun exploring though and found a little back lookout where we got some photos of ourselves. Our feet took a beating getting out there though as the "sand" under the shallow water was basically rocks and broken shells! Ouch!

Now I want to watch the movie again! It never hurts to see a bit of Leo anyway. ;)

We stopped for a quick lunch on another island and then took off for our last stop which was Monkey Beach! We were able to hop out of the boat for a quick 5 minutes to see the monkeys who ate bananas and watermelon that people were feeding them. It was pretty close to be able to be so close to them but we all heard horror stories of people getting bitten and then needing 10 shots in their stomachs to make sure they didn't turn into a monkey or get monkey diseases so we didn't get TOO close.

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