Tuesday 7 May 2013

"I've Died and Gone to Crab Heaven... Best Dinner Ever!"

We had 3 attempts at going to Phi Phi Island... the first 2 of which failed miserably. Attempt 1 was when I was sick and Tim was still feeling under the weather as well... so we re-scheduled! Attempt 2 is below... The only good part about attempt 2 was this gorgeous photo of Laura! I snapped this quick shot while we were waiting to board our boat. Unfortunately about 5 minutes later the rain started... and  it poured and poured and poured! We made it on the boat only to continue being drenched through the openings in the canopy. Our clothes and all our stuff got soaked! Luckily we had a waterproof bag that I snuck the camera in to stay safe.

As you can see it was raining pretty hard. The guides gave us the option to opt out and re-schedule or continue on in the rain. We opted to re-schedule which was probably a good idea b/c the seas were getting rougher by the minute and with 2 people who get seasick easily we didn't want to risk it... plus it continued to rain all day.

Because of the rain we went and did some indoor activities. Laura and I wandered around a jewelery store trying on beautiful gems. Fun! The boys went to a shooting range and then went go-carting.

We hung low the rest of the day and went out for dinner on our last night at Kata Beach to our favourite little haunt "The Kitchen." We drank and chatted and the boys played pool and Laura and I had some girly catch up time. I even ordered my favourite "sex on the beach" cocktail... but this is what arrived.

I've never seen a blue sex on the beach before... perhaps they got it mixed up and thought I wanted my cocktail in a sexy glass!

Laura ordered steamed crab curry for dinner and declared it her best dinner ever! She loved it! It was fun to watch her enjoy her meal so much. This little bar/restaurant was so chill and relaxed, we just had such a fun low key night together all catching up.

It was great. I ducked across the road at one point to grab this photo which is also one of my favourites. :)

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