Tuesday 7 May 2013

Party Hardy Rock and Roll - Birthdays and Goodbyes

For the last couple of days of our trip we chilled out and relaxed and just hung out together. We spent Tuesday by the pool eating lunch at the swim up pool bar and trying some of the cocktails on hand. We started my birthday celebrations early because Andrew and I had to fly out on the afternoon of my actual birthday. Laura organised a surprise birthday cake to be delivered to our relaxing pool day! It was delicious and accompanied us into the pool to be finished off at the pool bar with lunch. We even had a visit from a little bird we dubbed Oscar who seemed to follow us around the entire time we were in Thailand (and even came all the way from Karratha where he attacked Laura while out on a run!... Ok not really the same bird but they all look the same so we pretended he was stalking us.)

That night we went out to explore Patong and had a lovely little dinner before wandering up and down Bangla Rd and experiencing some of the, shall we say, unusual nightlife that goes on. 

On Wednesday night we decided to have a birthday dinner at the Reggae Bar in Kata Beach! We tuk tuked our way back over to our old stomping grounds to visit this bar. The bar sat on top of a hill and had a great lookout over Kata Beach. Beautiful!

We started drinking at dinner which ended up providing some pretty funny photos, particularly of Laura and Timmy who were sitting across from me and provided perfect subjects. Andrew photo bombed me trying to get another sunset shot. Haha.

I adore these three shots of them being silly together. I especially love the last one. Too cute. :)

Laura also ordered a drink that had creme de minth in it... not realising that was mint... which she doesn't like and had a fun reaction to tasting it.

It was fun just hanging out over a delicious dinner (Timmy had Massaman curry which was his favourite meal of the trip!) 

We decided to go back to Patong for another night of Muay Thai Boxing! We stopped at a bar on the way to get some more drinks... we got free shots (fun!) and Laura and I ordered Pina Coladas... but I have no idea what the heck the drink that arrived (in another sexy glass) actually was... definitely not any kind of pina colada I've ever had! It was so hard to drink but we soldiered on and finished anyway... not without pulling some "I hate the taste of this drink faces!"

Does that look like a Pina Colada to you??? I think not...

Some of the kids that faught in the boxing fight were really young which was actually a bit hard to watch. There were also a mix of westerners fighting on this night. We saw a Russian a Brit and an Aussie fighter all partaking. The Aussie won! Yay Aussies! 

We ventured out for a while after the fight as well before eventually getting back to our hotel at 3am. I guess I really am getting old because after a night out like that of drinking and staying up late I was exhausted! It was a really fun night though full of sibling memories which was pretty special!

The next morning was our last day in Thailand and it was my birthday! I woke up to a beautiful present from Andrew who surprised me with a Thai sapphire bracelet from the big jewellery store we had visited earlier that week. I am such a lucky girl! Andrew snapped this birthday photo too.

We headed out together for a last jaunt around Karon before lunch hitting up a fish spa which we had been seeing all week and wanted to try. I didn't like it! You sit on the side and stick your feet in the water with these little fish who eat the dead skin on your feet... it tickles so much! I couldn't sit still for more than 5 minutes before the weird sensation caused me to hop out and document the others.

Afterwards we decided to get the more traditional and relaxing foot massage. So lovely! The photos are in black and white but the entire spa was decked out in pink wallpaper, pink pillows and pink towels. It was pretty funny to see our boys in there surrounded by all the pink decor! 

It was the perfect way to spend our last morning together. After a quick lunch we had to head back to the hotel, pack our stuff and catch a cab to the airport. It was pretty sad to say goodbye to Laura and Timmy, especially after having such a fun 2 weeks together. We won't see them again until April next year for their wedding which we are already looking forward to and counting down the months until we get to see each other again! Thanks to Andrew, Laura and Timmy for such a fun and special trip. I love that we were able to spend so much time traveling together. It really was a blast and now we have so many special memories to get us through the time apart. Hurry up April!!! 

Thailand, it's been real. :)