Sunday 19 August 2012

It's "Auntie Kate" now, Thanks!

You can just start calling me "Auntie Kate" now. I'll answer to it even if you're not my new amazing, super cute nephew Joey. It's the first time I'm an Aunt and I'm quite taken with the roll. It's pretty fun, let me tell you!

All semester at school the only real thought on my mind was trying to get all my schoolwork done early (yes, nephew you are oodles more important than assignments and much more fun if I do say so myself!) so that I could leave a couple weeks early to make it home in time for my nephew's arrival. It just so happens that I beat him by 10 minutes (I win!) My flight from Melbourne, via LA (with a 7 hour layover) landed in Boston 10 minutes before the little man made his grand entrance into this world. Meg and Kaela met me at the airport (Mom and Dad couldn't be bothered...apparently becoming first time grandparents is more important than picking up your long lost daughter who you rarely get to see from the airport, (thanks for caring Moo and Bean - love you guys! Hahahahha totally just kidding Madre and Padre.) We all made it to the waiting room as Drew came out to tell Mom and Dad the good news so I got to go see Kristi and the baby with the rest of the family. Long story short, it was pretty cool timing and I was so happy and very lucky to get to be a part of it from all the way across the world. It was something that I really didn't want to miss out on and I am so grateful that I didn't have to.

I didn't want to barge in on Kristi and Drew's privacy the first few days in the hospital with my big ol' scary camera and I wanted to just enjoy being an Aunt for a few days so pictures pick up from a few days old when they arrived home. Here's a bunch of my favourites from the first couple of weeks.

Beanie doesn't look too happy to be an Aunt does she? Too cute. Love this picture so much!

I just adore this quiet picture of Twinnie and her son. If I remember correctly he was a little tired after lunch and needed a nap and just fell right asleep against Twinnie's chest. I love the look on her face, gazing down at him and the window light is just too perfect. Quiet moments like this are my favourite.

3 generations sitting together. I love how proud Drew is. Kristi grabbed my camera for the picture below of me holding the little guy which is my favourite from the whole trip of me and him (thank you twinnie!) It's rare that I'm in pictures these days so I will cherish this one forever. :) Melts my heart.

Mom took this one of Twinnie and I gazing at the little Roo. She said she could remember staring like that at the 2 of us when we were that small... now in turn here we are doing it at Kristi's own baby. How cool is that for Mom and Dad to see this picture of their babies gazing at one of their own? I love it so much.

We set up a "Meet the Baby" day a few weeks into the trip so that any family who was in the area could come see the new little guy and visit with me while I was home as well. It was great to see everyone who could come. It's always hard trying to get around to visit all the family on my trips home so the effort for people to come to us is always appreciated. My little nephew's cuteness is a good enticement!!! Work your charms kiddo!

TJ above was an old pro holding Joey! They actually look so much alike as babies it's kind of funny. Mally made him the beautiful little hat below (awesome job Mally! Really, so impressed!)

Kristi and Drew ventured home again for the 4th of July. We lucked out with the weather until the last 5 minutes of the fireworks when we got a lot of rain but it was sunny and hot and lovely up until that point. We got some cute pictures of the family on our little patriotic outing together. Even the puppies got into the spirit of the day!

Here's the harbour just before sunset. Beautiful! Being home in the summer for the first time in maybe 6 or 7 years made me really remember just how absolutely gorgeous my home really is.

Here's just a few fun ones that I took of the little Roo while babysitting with Madre one afternoon. We had a mini photo session while Kristi was out getting her hair cut! Work it Joey!

The last big event of the trip was the Christening with Drew's family. They hosted a wonderful, relaxing weekend and it was so much fun getting to spend time with Drew's family in a place that is special to them. The church where he was Christened was where Drew's parents got married. Pretty cool little guy! Drew's brother Rob is the little Roo's God-father and I'm his God-mother. His Christening gown is a replica of the Christening gown that has been in our family for over 100 years. I can tell you one thing... this little man sure is surrounded by a whole lotta love on both sides of the family! It was a very happy weekend. Thank you to Drew's family for being such gracious and wonderful hosts and opening up your beautiful town to us. We all had a wonderful time!

4 generations of family. I love this photo and I love that all 3 "big" men are smiling.

3 sisters and a Roo. :) I love how they are all fascinated by him. He is pretty adorable! If there had been room for 4 on the couch I would have been there too!

This picture of Padre makes me smile because he looks so happy. What more could you ask for with a Pops and his grandson? It makes me think that at this moment in this picture, there's no where else he'd rather be and nothing else in the whole world he'd rather be doing than sitting on a porch holding his sleeping grandson. Heart. Heart. Heart.

Even though I only got to be home for the first month and a half of this little guys life I feel so lucky to have been able to spend that time visiting with family and getting to know my new little nephew. Being able to help Kristi and Drew was so special and I loved every second of it. Twinnie and Drew, you guys did good. So good!

I also got to spend some really quality time with Meg and Kaela while I was home and see their lives in Boston which was so so great. (Moo - I totally want to "follow you for a day" next time I'm home with my camera. So fun! You too Bean!)

I was so sad to have to leave (sure am lucky to have such an amazing husband who was back in OZ waiting for me or else I might not have left!) but now I will just have to plan another trip as soon as we can to get back and see how much the little guy has grown and bombard you all with another instalment of pictures! Miss you little Roo! (And family too of course!)

1 comment:

  1. One can never get enough pictures of Joey! SO MANY FABULOUS shots Kate. It was so nice to have you home to share this special time with all of us. Can you come home now? Joey keeps growing.... FREDERICK! Miss you and love you.
