Monday 20 August 2012

Family Photo Session

I'm trying to get a little photography experience working with kids and families. I can see myself loving this aspect of photography in the future and someday owning my own business doing wedding and domestic portraiture. I've been lucky working with Jane that she has a bit of a client base that over the years as they've gotten married and had kids they come back to her and ask for family photos.... which she has started handing over to me! Love it!

Here's a few favourites from a session I had right after I got back from my US trip. It was tricky working with 6 adults and 4 little kids but even during the difficult times (picture me on my knees holding a mickey mouse spinning, sparkly, noise maker toy with one hand while holding the large, heavy camera with the other and peeking out from behind the camera to try and get everyone to look in one direction and pay attention while 4 kids are squirming and all 6 adults are trying to keep their respective kids in one spot while other park-goers walk past with little smirks on their faces... ha ha ha) I just loved it. Loved it loved it loved it and was like, wow, I get to do this as my profession. Pretty cool. :) I had a blast.


  1. Lucky grandparents! These will be a great gift!

  2. OMG Kate, you have such a gift to snap the shot at the perfect time!!!! These photos are wonderful. Your career is off to an awesome start!!!!
    Now, can you capture buildings as well as people? If yes, you are my photographer for my work!
