Monday 20 August 2012

4th of July Partay at Bertram House

While I was home in the good old US of A I helped celebrate the 4th of July with Grammo at Bertram House! We had a "walker decorating party" and a bit of a parade around the first floor of the house of Bertram which was heaps of fun. We pimped out Grammo's walker to the Max (ha, of course we did... Mom and I were there and in charge of her walker, who are we kidding... of course we were going to go all out even if Grammo did give us the evil eye more than a few times! "You'll love it Grammo, really, I promise!" Smile sweetly and bat eyelashes.) I do love the 2nd photo of Grammo though. She actually looks pretty content in it... like "Oh Kato... what are you doing to me... I'll smile for you anyway because you're my grand-daughter." :) (I think it's the result of secretly adoring her walker decorations which she knew were the coolest by far in all the land!)

It was hard to keep up with these quick old timers as they paraded around with streamers blowing in the breeze behind them! Here's some pictures of Grammo and the lovely folks at Bertram House from the 4th of July.

1 comment:

  1. It takes quite a talent to make a 4th of July parade at Bertram House look like a fun shindig! Good work Kate! xoxo
