Wednesday 28 March 2012

Officially Aussie Kate!

Tonight I became an Aussie! After 5 years of living in Australia I am officially an Australian Citizen. I said the Pledge and sang the National Anthem and received my certificate and Australian Native plant so yes, that means I finally, officially belong in this country! Woohoo! No more visas. No more paperwork. And no more checking in with the government to prove that my relationship/marriage is real. I love it.

Thank you Aussie family for coming along and supporting me. You all are the reason I'm now an Aussie and it meant so much that you could all be there to see it become official. Thank you to Anna for my cute Aussie bear (made by Anna!) and thank you Laura for my super cute hand made American/Aussie postcard (made by Laura!). It's going front and centre on the fridge! Thank you Madre and Padre for the beautiful Australian flowers that showed up at the door tonight! (They had a VERY similar arrangement at the citizenship ceremony so you hit the nail on the head!) They are beautiful and mean so much!

I now declare myself and American Aussie! Here's a few photos from the night courtesy of Andrew (specially for you Madre!). Thank you Aussie family for coming along and supporting me and thank you Madre and Padre for the beautiful Australian flowers that showed up at the door tonight! (They had a VERY similar arrangement at the citizenship ceremony so you hit the nail on the head!) They are beautiful and mean so much!

Oh yes, and Happy 5th birthday to little Alfo for tomorrow. You can see from tonight's photo that he looks wicked excited about it. Hehehe.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Kate! Very proud of and happy for you!! Thank you to Andrew for taking pics. Thank you to Andrew, Anna, Ron and Laura for being there to share such am important day! Ha about the flowers...I had asked for Golden Wattle and Common Heath (supposed to be the national & Victorian state flowers and they didn't seem to know what I was talking about!)AND had said the LEFT side of the house (oh well...didn't say 32A) but glad the flowers were there and you liked them. We were thinking of you! Congrats again, Kate!
    Love you. Ma & Daddy
