Friday 20 January 2012

Camping in Nathalia!

For Christmas this year Andrew and I, along with Laura and Tim decided not to give each other gifts but rather to go away camping together for a few nights. Great idea! We ended up going to a little town called Nathalia, about 2.5 hours north of the city where Andrew and Laura used to go when they were younger. We stayed in the same caravan park that they used to stay in (they both commented on how much smaller it was than what they remembered...) and had a blast drinking, playing games and grilling out. It was so relaxing and it was great to get some much needed sibling time together!

One of our nights down there we decided to get some yummy food to take down to the river to grill for dinner. We prepared what we could ahead of time and took ourselves and little Alfo down to the river to a lovely lovely BBQ and picnic bench. As soon as we got there, Alfred, who over the first couple of days in Nathalia turned into a river dog, jumped right in and started chasing ducks! I think he was helped along by Andrew who pointed out the ducks and encouraged him to go get them... needless to say, Alf jumped in and swam off down river chasing the ducks. I was actually a bit worried he wasn't going to come back!

Tim and Laura manned the BBQ while Andrew and I walked across the street to get some drinks. The town is tiny and was pretty quite which added to its appeal. I love small towns. When we got back dinner was ready and wicked delicious. Nothing better than BBQ outdoors for dinner. Love it.

After dinner I took a few quick photos because it was so sunny and warm and the light was really fun to play with. Alfo is a good little subject to practice on and was feeling extra lovey at this point. There are a couple funny pictures of him giving kisses to Laura and Tim. Lucky!

Once the bugs started coming out to play we headed back to our little caravan and made S'mores... which Laura has heard me talk about (and by talk about I mean sing their praises and call them the most amazing desert in the world) for 4 years now and had never tried one. She LOVED it. Classic photo. Tim has become a fan as well although I didn't get a photo of him because I was too concerned about eating my own S'more rather than taking pictures. They were delicious though. We each had 2 that night and 2 the next night. Yummo.

Thanks Laura and Tim for such a fun and relaxing trip away! We had a blast! Lets do it again ASAP.

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