Friday 28 September 2012

Kids Photos Newport Lakes

Earlier this week I got to spend the morning playing with 2 blond haired blue eyed little girls at the park. We had gorgeous warm weather with hazy skies and had a great time playing pig pile in the grass. Here's a handful of images from our session at the park.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Kids Photos Newport Lakes

Last weekend I had the chance to photograph 3 gorgeous siblings at Newport Lakes Park. We lucked out with the weather and had a fun time wandering through the park. The kids entertained me and themselves with some gangnam style dance moves which they were pros at. We even got a couple photos with the family dog Cooper who came along to watch the session. Here's just a few favourites from our time together.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Baby Photos

Earlier this week I met up with Sarah and Wi, a couple whose wedding I'll be photographing later this year. They just had a little boy 6 weeks ago and asked me to take some photos of him. He was super sleepy on the day but still incredibly adorable and we had fun getting to know each other. I must say, he was very fashionable for only being 6 weeks old! Before I left we snuck in a quick photo of the soon to be Mr and  Mrs on Wi's motorcycle out behind the house. Looking good guys! Looking forward to photographing your wedding in a couple months time and seeing your little guy again!
Thanks for a lovely afternoon with your wonderful family.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Kids Photos

Last Sunday morning I had the pleasure of photographing two siblings who live near me. We met at the park in the early hours of Father's Day (Aussie Father's Day that is) to go exploring in the woods. This brother and sister duo were super cute together and clearly adore one another. Here's just a few favourites from our time together.