Wednesday 23 November 2011

Study Time

I snapped this quick, but super cute photo of Alfred helping Andrew "study" for his Thermodynamics (don't ask... I have no idea other than that it involves sciency stuff and numbers) exam earlier this week. I'm not sure how much "studying" Andrew got done as football was on TV!  He he he.

Monday 7 November 2011

Sem B Folio - Abstract Representations of Personality

Greetings from OZ-land everyone!

I know I have a few posts to catch up on, but seeing as how I've spent the past month working away intensely on images for our 2nd semester of year 2 folio I thought I'd quickly post them before we spend 2 full days in presentations.

The short version of what this folio is about is basically trying to abstractly represent individuals (family and friends) using movement and colour. A lot of research went into this folio and I also used quotes from some individuals to try and give me a bit of deeper insight into their personality.

I am really happy with all of the final images and while it was really arty and conceptual, I loved having the chance to explore this before the heat gets turned up next year for our final year at PSC. The prints are big and the colour just pops off the BFK Rieves watercolour paper... they look like paintings which is what I had been going for since the beginning.

When I showed the images throughout the semester in class for feedback, it was actually really creepy how our tutor was able to pin-point the personality of pretty much every image without knowing any of the people they are about or which image represented each person. He even got so close with Drew's (A2) image to know he was an engineer, he even specified bridges! What?!?! He knew that mom's was a fierce, passionate and feisty person who was always doing a number of different things at once, he called me out on being a happy romantic (awww, I so am!), he knew Laura's was all about imagination and child-like creativity, Andrew he knew was all about technology (the boy has every gadget known to man)... he hasn't seen all of the finished ones but he was pretty spot on!

The images were created from photographing numerous different things, sunsets, trees, puddle reflections, grafiti, clouds, blinds, flowers etc. Some movement was done in camera, some in editing. Some colour is true to life and some is changed in editing... it was so much fun to play around with these to get them to look right.

Anyway, here they are... I won't tell you whose is whose yet but see if you can guess. The people involved were Madre and Padre, myself and Andrew, Twinnie and Drew, Meg, Kaela, Anna, Ron, Laura, Ian, Shanny, Lexo and Sarah Hartman.

Good luck to all 2nd years with presenting tomorrow and Thursday! I can't believe we are almost done with 2nd year... where the heck has the time gone?